Unveiling ADHD in Girls: Understanding the Hidden Struggles


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has long been associated with young boys bouncing off the walls or struggling to focus in school. However, there’s a silent epidemic often overlooked: ADHD in girls. Despite the common misconception that ADHD primarily affects males, growing research reveals that girls, too, grapple with this neurodevelopmental condition, albeit in subtler […]

Understanding the Effectiveness of Behaviour Therapy in Promoting Mental Well-being

Uncategorized, ADHD

Behaviour Therapy, a widely practiced psychological approach, focuses on understanding and modifying maladaptive behaviours to enhance mental well-being. Rooted in the principles of learning theory, this therapeutic model has proven to be effective in addressing various psychological issues. In this blog post, we will delve into the key concepts of Behaviour Therapy and explore how […]

Breaking Down Hyperactivity Disorder Myths and Misconceptions


Welcome to our blog post about hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD. As a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder, ADHD is often misunderstood and surrounded by myths and misconceptions. We are here to break down these misunderstandings and provide a better understanding of what ADHD truly is. By addressing common myths and misconceptions, we hope to increase […]